multi-camera / multi-video window editor and playback (eg. like Acapella, or a video montage app)
Resource / Task matrix grid organiser database
Song map / lyrics, chords, diagrams, lead sheet creator (that is also customisable for both inputted and student/user)
Questionares/surveys etc. Easy, simple, yet customisable (especially graphical layout and variety of question types)
e-Learning Journal/ Folios for students (which teachers can access + can allow collaborative work also)
Tools for students to make their own resources/ tools which can be shared + added to database matrix of resources.
Template for task sheets (incl. suggested resources, tips)
Capability to record audio simply, yet reasonable quality, with labelling (incl metadata) system, with easy sharing / streaming integration
Ability to analyse pitching, key, tempo, dynamics
Ability to tempo map plus sync audio files to score notation and midi sequences and videos
Blogging from Your Wix Blog Dashboard
On the dashboard, you have everything you need to manage your blog in one place. You can create new posts, set categories and more. To head to your Dashboard, open the Wix Editor and click on Blog > Posts.
Blogging from Your Published Site
Did you know that you can blog right from your published website? After you publish your site, go to your website’s URL and login with your Wix account. There you can write and edit posts, manage comments, pin posts and more! Just click on the 3 dot icon ( ⠇) to see all the things you can do.